ShOrTy~! my dear, shorter, but older sis...keep making all those crafts.. and hope u have fun at ur bday~! hehehe.. whoa.. i dunno..should we celebrate early??? PoLLy~! bong monice~! hehe.. juz had to say that..uh.. wah to say.. u like tha page? thanx for the idea of meeh fixing it up... :o) Hai~! hehe.. u're a reallie good friend.. and hey, if neone needs someone to talk to juz go to hai (262) .. (juz don't tell him i sent u.. hehe :o) ) Kosal~! huyy.. the guy with skillz.. i envy u.. :o\ Gina~! how could nething be as sweet as u? hehe.. luv ur smile.. haha. man i sound like i'm in love.. but who couldn't fall in luv with u?? *wink*wink* DaVid~! hahahhahaha.... juz thinking bout you makes meeh laugh.. the funnie dude.. Tony~! (not the 261 one) YOU DORK~! juz had to say it.. called meeh dork too many times... JuLiE~! u ever met one of those friends u can juz sit and not say a word to them.. but still feel comfortable.. i did.. i met u~! hehe.. :o) AnGie~! ewwww... hehehe.. wah can i do to not get another one of ur wet kisses.. okies.. that sounded reallie nastie.. arghz... |